In 2020, the Hero’s Haven Child Advocacy Center Served 452 Children

Committed to the Safety of Children

One in every 10 children will be a victim of sexual abuse by their 18th birthday. Based on data from the CDC, a conservative estimate for the cost of maltreatment in West Virginia was over $775 Million in 2014.

The Hero’s Haven Child Advocacy Center exists to change those numbers and lead the fight against the cycle of child abuse through a stronger, more approachable model. And over the past year, we’ve made significant progress by providing forensic interviews, medical exams, and therapy to over 400 children in our community.

2020 by the Numbers

Who We Serve

  • 99% of victims knew their abuser. Abuse is a crime of secrecy.
  • 75% of cases reported were sexual abuse.

How Many Served

  • The Hero’s Haven Child Advocacy Center served 452 children in 2020.

What We Provided

  • 661 forensic interviews.
  • 142 children received therapy sessions.
  • 43 children received medical exams.

How This Benefits Our Community

  • The CAC model saved taxpayers in our community with less investigative expenses this year.
  • If the CAC hadn’t intervened, the estimated lifetime costs of abuse for the children CACs served last year would have been over an estimated million.

Together We Can Grow This Movement

Your passion and dedication are paramount to helping us provide a safe environment for child victims of abuse to heal and bring their offenders to justice. Every dollar you donate will be used to support the Harrison County Child Advocacy Center and empower significant change to deliver better care for victims and put an end to the cycle of abuse.

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